Receiving an offer from your ideal school and happily starting studying, for most students nowadays, is no longer the ultimate goal of their exploring abroad journey. To truly enjoy your new life and integrate into local culture joyfully, you’ll need our on-going support:
- Frustrated with school assignments?
- Homesick in gloomy and extremely long winter?
- Want to develop a hobby or learn a new skill?
- Eager to connect with people of multiculturalism?
- Can I work for some pocket money during vacation?
- …
Call your personal counsellour at YouCan IntEdu, you will get their professional and caring guidance.
Studying in Canada and the US could be so much fun if you make the best of the experience, also it could be oppositely very boring if you find nothing to do except for attending classes. Based in the Toronto area, we provide students with fun information they should try off campus and join some local communities. We organize international students seminars, free cultural exchange activities, so you can meet and connect with students from all different countries and backgrounds.